Fidget Spinners Elsa & Anna Toddlers in Spinner Land – Dinosaur breaks Spinner – Search – Playing

[Music] spin-spin-spin stay huh oh wow the I hope by the sweet dream yeah yeah me too Elsie oh wait is this a drink is that on over there was she doing there I’m gonna go to her oh yeah is that really you well of course it is me oh I I was just weeping in my bed and then I appeared here hey did you see that box beside you let’s let’s find out what it is yeah wow what a both oh I think there’s digit spinners wow they’re so cool well let just take them and now they’re ours dang hey let’s put them in the basket one and two oh what’s that okay oh whoa with torque is it spinners and some of them are even spinning do you think we should get them to course on your Wow so great Bow Wow this one is spinning hello I want to see the red one now let’s crack them all and put them in the basket this one and the red one let’s get going whoa LCI look at that one yeah it looks like a wheel get it get it whoa oh it’s going to pie over there crime yes Oh got it Hey look at that it’s another cool block let’s go see what’s inside it maybe more predict spinners in it off [Applause] ha well it’s another ticket spin-art con whoa Wow very cool in the basket it goes I hear another sound Oh spinners whoa whoa and they’re sitting who in their boxes I’m going to open this one hmm let’s see what it looks like wow it has blue jewels on it that’s so pretty and it’s in a diamond box to get this one let’s see the other one now wow this is so cool I never saw anything like it oh cool Wow look there’s some something sitting there it’s another ticket did I let’s see what it is Wow it looks like light bulb put it in the basket and there’s another treasure chest over there let’s see Lexi oh wow so many fidgets spinners there’s three of them hey let’s get them all can’t believe it we found so many on yeah I love this fidget spinner that I found oh what’s that [Applause] [Music] what’s that a dinosaur oh go away hey get away from me dinosaur oh please don’t freak white bitches spinner I found it I want to keep it somebody how does four go away you’re making me sad go away my poor fidget spinner I was gonna have so much fun with into that silly dinosaur Kane don’t worry chels look how much you may have a share with boss really yeah you’re gonna do that oh you’re the best friend hey let’s push it yeah well it’s so heavy I don’t know Wow we’re actually should I touch me okay oh fuck it wha oh no yo let’s see what colors they are here is that a golden one oh wow that one must be precious let me swap it to see the color Oh what are already oh and I wouldn’t want to solve this one look at that bright pink and it shape is cool yeah Wow it’s a rainbow love it whoa look at this blue line that’s so cool whoa let’s see what this one is wow it’s a rainbow with you oh well cool let me guess is this one rainbow – its rainbow so any rainbow 1/lc on what about that little one over there hmm let me see Oh a stars on it yeah that’s pretty look there lowers Wow try try speaking it hey lady whoa oh hey look better in the dark then Jesse spin I could stay here while Chelsea Wow Wow how could you do that Wow so cool if you just stay in the middle you don’t fall on yeah you did it yeah so cool well this is so much fun Nick there is tickling life throws when it’s spin hey I want to try – my turn well careful my poppet yeah we did my Han we look like we’re flying on something yeah it’s like a mini hoverboard hmm I’m gonna pick a spinner so cool I’m not to get thinner I’m a three to one router finish Wow look at all of these this one looks like paint yeah that’s so cool whoa look at this wheel one whoa this like a wig piryohae new to me all of the civic dinners have one two three arms but look at this one this one has one two three four five six arms oh yeah you’re right Anya and it has colorful bands on them black Oh green and red wow that’s so cool this one has probably have to be my favorite spin it Chelsea the mama’s one is so quiet yeah listen if you’re not your name yeah let’s push it beside the other ones and then we’re gonna do a big spinning party and these are my candies wow it’s so cool look knit banana and strawberry yum yummy flavors hey hey this one is a cool fiery red wow so cool and some silver balls yeah Oh places yeah three sixty ninety whoa this one looks like a triangle and this one looks like like a circle in it woo now the special jewel fidget spinner is coming whoa look at the ho jus all cool and I love blue my see different color it’s golden blue and yellow and that’s the best spinach Chelsea okay woo Chelsea on Yahoo there’s still three more left they hold it I’ll go get them LCR okay these look look like silver light bulbs yeah wound is this one looks like claws yeah here comes the ball whoa whoa what a cool it looks like a flower yeah and this one is one of my favorites too so pretty and colorful and I feel like laughing and all singing so many colors it makes me dizzy yeah Wow hot hot whoa it’s like a celebration okay I’m having raishin where I pump it through it and job job oh no oh I jump jump jump [Applause] well see ya whoa whoa Oh all right Chelsea yes I’m okay I have an idea let’s make a tower with them yeah I’m gonna put this fig espera top because it’s pretty and I love it stirring wow so cool now that axonal art will add this one wow that is pretty cool but come see my Tanya Wow you put five of them already how many are there Chelsea five Wow so cool and I still want to put more like this one Wow Chelsea you’re so good at it oh thank you and hey look early did Chelsea whoa that’s really big now but come see mine again so I’m better than you you don’t have to show up how colorful it is five six seven eight knowing us not even wow I’m cherry oh so cool what a nice fall – oh yeah quite healthy hitting our consent – oh wow I thought day it would fall but they’re not so cool spin spin spin spin and then come on sticky spinners just keep spinning yay wow so many spinners above them floating around me wow I just love this word spin spin spin spin spin spin wow so cool then huh was just a dream what what that room was too nice and I didn’t want it cut and there was so much spinner sticking spinners and I love that Anya Anya ye won’t believe what dream I had huh you had a dream well I want you to tell me about it well my dream was all of doubt they just spin us visit our channel and subscribe for more videos [Music] you

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